Private and Secure Browsers to Keep Your Data Safe

This new and updated secure browser guides takes a deep dive into the topics of browser security and privacy. (Updated on June 7, 2019)

A secure browser that protects your privacy is absolutely essential for staying safe online and keeping your data secure from third parties.

Unless properly configured, most browsers contain vast amounts of private information that can potentially be exploited – or simply collected – by third parties:

  • Browsing history: all the websites you visit
  • Login credentials: usernames and passwords
  • Cookies and trackers: these are placed on your browser by the sites you visit
  • Autofill information: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Aside from all of the data mentioned above, browsers can also expose your identity – even if you are using one of the best VPN services available. In other words, even when using a VPN to hide your true IP address and location, your browser may reveal your identity through WebRTC leaks or browser fingerprinting.

Fortunately, there are relatively simple solutions to all of these problems, which we will cover in this guide:

  1. Best secure browsers that respect your privacy
  2. Popular browsers to avoid
  3. Browser privacy compartmentalization
  4. Secure browser add-ons

Choosing the right browser, based on both privacy and security considerations, is crucial since your browser can reveal so much private information. With that in mind, we’ll first examine popular browsers to avoid.

Secure browsers that protect your privacy

In this section we will examine the best secure browsers based on two main factors:

  • Security: How well does the browser protect you from hackers, vulnerabilities, and online exploits?
  • Privacy: How much data is the browser itself collecting about you and who is this data being shared with? How does the browser protect your privacy?

Conflicting opinions!

Just like with Tor, opinions about browser privacy and security can be wildly divergent and contentious.

This guide is not meant to sell everyone on one browser that beats all others for 2019. Rather, it is just a summary of information about different web browsers that do well with both privacy and security.

What is the most secure browser?

Ultimately, there is no best or most secure browser that is the same for everyone. Instead, you should choose the best browser for you based on your unique needs and threat model.