test the IPv6 readiness of an internet domain
IPv6 is version 6 of the new Internet Protocol. Every networked device and every internet application will need to support this. For now, most of the internet is dual stacked: version 4 and 6 are used side-by-side and websites and other internet services that are not yet IPv6 ready continue to function properly for the vast majority of users.
But the IPv4 address space is exhausted. They’re all gone. Already many internet users are connected through all kinds of tricks and workarounds. That works, but it doesn’t scale very well, in terms of bandwidth and the number of connected devices. It is important that every web site starts accepting connections via IPv6.
The protocol specification for IPv6 dates back to December 1998, but most organisations have waited until the IPv4 pool was fully depleted. And now we panic.
June 6th of 2012 is world wide “IPv6 Launch Day”. Many large international organizations will enable IPv6 during this day. But there is no technical reason to wait for others. Why wait? Get IPv6 ready NOW!