ExpressVPN Review

6. Large, secure server network, running in RAM mode

ExpressVPN offers a large selection of servers around the world, with a very secure network setup.

Right now ExpressVPN has about 160 VPN server locations in 94 countries, with a total of more than 3,000 VPN servers. Europe and North America have the best coverage, but they also offer a good selection of servers in South America, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region.

Check out the server page on the ExpressVPN website to see locations in your area. This page also shows which servers are online and the available VPN protocols each server supports.

All servers running in RAM-disk mode (TrustedServer feature)

In April 2019, ExpressVPN announced a major new network update: all servers in the network would be running in RAM-disk mode , with nothing stored on the hard drive . ExpressVPN refers to this network security standard as TrustedServer, and it is indeed a major benefit.

ExpressVPN explains the security benefits of running all servers in RAM-disk mode on their blog:

With our industry-first TrustedServer technology, our VPN servers run only on volatile memory (RAM), not on hard drives. Since RAM requires power to store data, this guarantees that all information on a server is wiped every time it is powered off and on again.

In contrast, the traditional and most common way of running servers relies very much on hard drives, which retain all data until they are erased and written over, a painstaking and error-prone process. This increases the risk that servers could inadvertently contain sensitive user information. If someone were to hack or seize the server, they could gain access to this data. Even worse, hackers who do find their way in might be able to install a backdoor that remains indefinitely.

This is a huge benefit and further lines up with no logs and no data collection. Furthermore, it also protects customer data if a VPN server were ever to be seized by authorities.

je trouve leur idée logique au niveau de la sécurité

This review is very concise and does not cover a lot of important aspects of a VPN. To read an extended review, check out this extended ExpressVPN review I found.

1 J'aime


ce sont également ces aspects ci qui me font apprécier ExpressVPN à un concurent comme Proton qui n’est franchement pas à la hauteur de leur pub, mais le lobbying à bien fonctionné puisque j’avais pris le produit

Fil très utile, Cependant, ExpressVPN est une marque et elle n’a besoin d’aucune justification qui est l’un des meilleurs VPN, mais cela vaut un prix élevé, même unbiased ExpressVPN reviews prenant parti d’ExpressVPN parce qu’il est le meilleur.